Históricamente, el área del Estrecho ha sido una zona dialéctica, una zona de paso de atunes, barcos, aves, pateras... Signos que han ido hacia un lado y otro. En nuestra sociedad tecnológicamente desarrollada, la exigencia de comprensión inmediata convierte a signos y símbolos en fundamentales para generar una respuesta rápida. Atendiendo a los elementos principales con una estructura sencilla, facilitan la percepción y memoria. Creo que a medida que dejemos atrás una época basada en la cultura escrita impresa, adentrándonos en un entorno regido por la tecnología auditiva y visual, las reglas básicas de la comunicación se transformarán. Los signos y símbolos recuperarán en un futuro la relevancia que tuvieron en el pasado, generando información y propagándola con inteligencia y rapidez.

Models are real_Olafur Eliasson

We need to acknowledge that all spaces are steeped in political and individual intentions, power relations, and desires that function as models of engagement with the world. No space is model-free. This condition does not represent a loss, as many people might think, deploring the elimination of unmediated presence. On the contrary, the idea that the world consists of a conglomeration of models carries a liberating potential as it makes the renegotiation of our surroundings possible. This, in turn, opens the potential for recognition of the differences between individuals. What we have in common is that we are different. The conception of space as static and clearly definable thus becomes untenable – and undesirable. As agents in the ceaseless modelling and remodelling of our surroundings and the ways in which we interact, we may advocate the idea of a spatial multiplicity and co-production.